We interviewed our Executive Director, Victor Hugo Orrego, who answered a series of questions related to the importance, advantages and current impact of online advertising. We invite you to know what he told us.
What are the advantages of online advertising investment?
Online advertising is one of the most important elements for the success of a company’s digital strategy. It has many advantages, among which I would highlight:
Audience targeting allows advertisers to reach target audiences more accurately. Advertising platforms such as Google Ads allow ads to be shown to people who may actually be interested in our message. This makes the media investment much more effective in terms of impressions and clicks.
Measurement is, from my point of view, a great advantage over traditional media. The storage of user behavior, the ads with the most clicks, the hours with the highest traffic, the days with the highest display of ads, among many other indicators make online advertising an activity that, well done, gives real results in terms of return on investment for advertisers.

The integration of media, such as Google Display Network, Search Network and Youtube allows us to reach different audiences with different ad formats. Text, image, animations and video. This way we can know which ones can perform better in reaching our objectives.
For you, what are the formats that work best in online advertising?
This depends a lot on the advertiser’s objectives. Text ads are very effective if we want to achieve conversion goals such as sales, form registrations or lead generation.
Graphic formats are ideal for generating brand awareness and traffic generation.
Video formats support brand awareness and viralization.
A proper mix of these formats connected with clear and well-designed landing pages are ideal to achieve our goals.
What do you think is the key to a successful online advertising campaign?
To have clear expectations regarding the campaign to be carried out.
Clear objectives
Permanent monitoring and optimization
Adapt to the changes of our audiences.
Never stop in the guideline. Coca Cola has not stopped for more than 100 years.
What elements should be taken into account to design a good campaign?
Here the objectives come up again. If they are clear, the message to be delivered to the audiences will be more effective.Knowing the audiences is key. This way we will know how to talk to them. What information do we have about the audiences? Do we constantly analyze our statistical tools on the website, such as Google Analytics? Do we listen to what audiences are saying on social networks? Do we know what they are searching for on Google?
Today we have all the technological tools to understand audiences. We must take advantage of them!
In what types of spaces is it more appropriate to advertise?
When starting a campaign from scratch it is possible to make decisions according to the information we have about audiences, interests, demographics and geography. Platforms such as Google Ads allow us to select the search network, display network and YouTube to publish our ads.
However, time will tell us exactly which is the best space, site or YouTube channel to place the ads.
It is the behavior of the users in front of the campaigns, the number of clicks, the number of impressions, as well as the CTR (Click Through) and the conversions (effective sales, registrations, leads), which will allow us to know exactly where we should better invest our money.
That is why you should never stop advertising on the Internet. And of course, knowing how to analyze and optimize campaigns will be the secret to success.
What advice would you give when choosing the right media?
Constantly monitoring and optimizing will give us the right clues. For example, if I launch a broad campaign in Colombia and I see that the city of Manizales is generating the most traffic and sales, it is clear that my budget should be focused on that location. If my target audience is not clear but in the first month of the campaign I realize that the 25 to 34 years old segment is the one that most sees my ads, then my ad bids in the Google search network should go up.
Optimize or die. That is the task.