Video, a fundamental tool in your digital strategy

The use of video in the advertising media mix has become a fundamental element to achieve positioning, interaction and branding objectives.

The high consumption of video by all users of social networks and websites is growing year after year, which represents opportunities to develop high-impact campaigns.

The advantages of developing such a strategy are as follows:

  • Es más simIt is easier for users to visualize. Unlike text, video can deliver images and sounds, enriching the experience.
  • It can generate more connections with the brand since audiovisual content generates more emotions in those who consume it. It is easier to cry with a movie than with a book.
  • It enriches the navigation statistics of a website since users can stay longer, giving more possibilities for interaction, sales and leads.
  • Likewise, it is another format that generates more traffic possibilities since it is a complement to other content formats, such as pdf or text documents. Search engine results can improve even more.
  • We cannot deny that video, due to its fast consumption, allows to show products and services in a more impactful way. Likewise, showing a face of someone who can sell me something gives more confidence when making a decision.
  • The metrics provided by the different video platforms, such as Youtube, Vimeo or social networks like Instagram and Facebook allow us to realize at what point the user made an interaction. This way we can make decisions to improve production and the content we want to promote.

If you want more information about how to get more out of organic video strategies or digital advertising, contact us here.

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