We all know that trees have greater longevity than other types of plants, that they branch at a certain height from the ground and produce secondary branches every year, in addition, that their roots are stronger than anything else and above all, that they constantly generate benefits for humanity and the environment.
Therefore, our invitation today: Make your company like the tree! Create solid foundations, seek to be where your customers are, give them the importance they deserve, create versatile, innovative content that attracts and adapts to new technologies.
92% of business and HR leaders have identified the critical need to redesign their organization in the face of disruptive changes in digital technology, business models and workforce demographics. This is one of the key findings of the fourth edition of the Deloitte firm’s study entitled “Global Human Capital Trends 2016: The New Organization, Different by Design.”
The new world of digital work continues to drive changes, redesigning tools, services and human resources around technology. Today, it is important to review organizational structures and move in step with the new tools provided by this wide world of digital.
The digitization of a company is not a goal in itself, it is not a destination point but a process of profound transformation that requires attitudes of change, of permanent adaptation to leave comfort zones and explore new possibilities.
Digital transformation is also not a technological issue, but a question of vision, strategy, organizational culture and process redesign. It is about being able to successfully overcome the challenge of talent management in times of networks. Hence the importance of professionals and their professional development and the leading role that management teams must play in the initial impulse and in the subsequent support and maintenance of this transformation.
Finally, if you want your company to endure over time, like the tree does, innovate, create and live digitally, so that your roots will grow stronger and stronger and your fruits will be bigger and bigger.